Monday, September 20, 2004

Firefox Tip - Correction

Some people told me that my last Firfox Tip didn't work for them, so I investigated and found it to be a handy work of All-in-One Gestures extension. Sorry for the mistake.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Veggie Couple

More pictures from archive. Following pictures are from my first slide film. These two pictures have taught me how different a slide film is from a negative. You can make out these pictures are under exposed. A fill-in flash was badly needed. Again these pictures are from flower show in Lalbaugh some time last year (different from previous pictures show).

veggie women [click for original]
veggie man [click for original]

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Fox is on Fire!

The Mozilla Organization just released FireFox Preview Version 1.0. I have written my early impressions on Spread FireFox blog.

The Thunder Bird is also reached version 0.8. In this release it supports RSS and Atom feeds, which is a great new feature.

If you have never tried FireFox or Thunder Bird I strongly suggest you to try.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Innocent Smile

It is been a while since I have taken out my camera and shot few photographs. So I have decided to dig up my archive and share those pictures here. Most of them are not yet in digital format. Today I will start with one of my favorite pictures, a smiling baby.

babysmile [clieck for original]

This picture is shot at Rose Show in Lalabaugh(inside the glass house) some time in 2003. I had to react very quickly to take this photograph, because there was lot of crowed around and I was looking somewhere else. Pragya alerted me in time before the baby's mother moved away. The baby was smiling at Pragya (to my right).

Why I am telling is that people who have seen me taking photographs say I spend too much of time in taking one. This shows that I can take a picture quickly as well. Timing is so good that the smiling mother turning around towards us has been caught in the right of the frame. I was concentrating on the baby only after choosing setting for proper DOF and close up. For me the smiling mother makes this picture more attractive.